children’s workshop

An afternoon at the Opera

ANNULÉ Le portrait de Tosca

Bring the whole family for an afternoon of discoveries and surprises at the Dijon Opera ! 

Designed for parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts (etc.) and children, these half-days propose participative and creative workshops around the principal themes of the Opera’s programming.

The painter Cavaradossi did not capture the traits of his lover, Tosca, for his final canvas. Was he in love with someone else ?

And you, whose portrait would you paint ? Would it be your beloved ? As you’ll have surmised with each show, this season provides a whole gallery of portraits. Like the painter Cavaradossi, will you be inspired by your dreams to create the perfect portrait ? Try your hand in an exceptional  environment : the workshops that produce the stage-sets for the Dijon Opera.

Ateliers décors
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