

The Dijon Opera thanks its individual patrons.

Honorary patrons
Mr. et Mrs Hery, Mrs. Passet, Mr. Perny,
Mr. Perroche, Mr. Schweitzer

Benefactor patrons 
Mr. Bret, Mr. Simonnot

Donor patrons
Mr. et Mrs. Badet‚ Mr. Bandelier et Mrs. Willard‚
Mr. et Mrs. Barbosa‚ Mr. et Mrs. Bawedin‚
Mr. et Mrs. Birot‚ Mr. Blanc et Mrs. Duranceau‚
Mr. Bourgeon et Mrs. Marichy‚
Mrs. Cardamone et Mr. Font‚ Mrs. Castagnier‚
Mr. et Mrs. Chemithe‚ Mr. et Mrs. Combernoux‚
Mr. et Mrs. Detilleux‚ Mr. Duplessy‚
Mr. et Mrs. Gauthier‚ Mr. et Mrs. Gondellier‚
Mr. et Mrs. Grapperon‚ Mr. Grosmann et Mrs. Colin‚ 
Mr. et Mrs. Hugot‚ Mr. et Mrs. Jannin‚ 
Mr. et Mrs. Lang‚ Mr. et Mrs. Lecas‚ Mr. et Mrs. Legras‚
Mr. et Mrs. Manière‚ Mr. Mayo et Mrs. Knoth‚
Mr. et Mrs. Molherat‚ Mr. et Mrs. Puyravaud‚
Mr. et Mrs. Prendleloup‚ Mr. Roignot et Mrs. Falcoz‚ 
Mr. et Mrs. Saveret‚ Mr. et Mrs. Souhait‚ Mr. et Mrs. Thenet

And to all those who preferred to remain anonymous.

Devenez mécène et vivez l’Opéra de Dijon plus intensément !

If you like our House and wish to participate actively in its development, join us!

The Dijon Opera’s Pygmalion Club  is for individuals who wish to support the Opera and who, through their donations, contribute to an ambitious cultural project that extends the reach of the institution. Become a member for just 80 € and enter the privileged circle of patrons.

Depending on your level of involvement, you will benefit from advantages that allow you to enjoy shows under optimal conditions (advance access to subscriptions and presentation of the season’s programming) and take part in the life of the Opera during moments of conviviality with the teams (special tours, access to rehearsals, special events and encounters around the programming, etc. ).

Tax benefits
Each donation to the Dijon Opera is eligible for a tax credit on revenue equal to 66 % of the amount, up to a limit of 20 % of total taxable revenues. 


Sponsorship & Partnerships Department

Pascaline Sanson-Saad
Head of Corporate sponsorship & partnerships
03 80 48 82 52 | 06 60 10 52 00   

Aline Vautrin
Corporate sponsorship & partnerships officer
03 80 48 86 76 | 06 62 63 14 86