
Coucher de soleil


The 250th anniversary in 2014 of the death of Rameau — dear to the Dijonnais heart — eclipses another, that of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Richard Strauss. With discretion but fervour, the Dijon Opera pays homage to the great German composer with this concert in the form of an aperitif — a one hour concert followed by a drink with the artists. The focus will be on the lied, a genre that would occupy Strauss throughout his life, of which he penned more than two hundred. We find here the love of the female voice that gave to his operas their unique lyric enjoyment. And there is no doubt that among all these lieder, a great number were written for his wife, the singer Pauline de Ahna, the love of the voice doubling with the love of one voice! While often neglected today, this essential part of his work includes many small jewels that, by the variety of musical resources that he set to work, the subtlety of modulations that come to clarify a melody always attentive to the secret meanings of the words and prosody, equal the most beautiful successes of Schubert, Schumann, Wolf or Mahler.


Cet apéro de l’Opéra est annulé


mezzo-soprano Rihab Chaieb
piano Mihály Menelaos Zeke



Lieder et airs autour de Richard Strauss

Non renseigné