

un spectacle de Claudine Simon

Anatomia is a staged, sonic and plastic-arts performance piece based on the exploration of a piano. It is an invitation to rethink the instrument, its construction, its use today and the unending quest to understand the magic of this king of instruments.

The show begins as a recital with the performance of a piece by Franz Liszt. It then slowly evolves, as the piece transforms:  microphones placed inside the instrument reveal asperities, changing the focus and amplifying sonic details for a more concrete exploration of the instrument. The original work is deconstructed, perception becomes more acute, the act of listening changes nature to move closer into the sonic source.  The instrument itself disintegrates, its body is opened, dissected, repurposed then exposed in space. The noises of destruction – impacts, grinding, rubbing – are highlighted, turned into music and given a reading, as if in an attempt at a new language. We, the audience, find ourselves trapped inside the piano, within the confines of a concert hall!


De 5.5€ à 7€

Réservez vos places : ici.


Concept, writing and performance Claudine Simon
Set design Rudy Decelière
Sound Laurent Sassi
Outside view, dramaturgy Pau Simon
Lighting Lucien Laborderie
Lighting director Lila Burdet
Stage and General Manager Théo Vacheron
Outside ear Alain Savouret
Outside view Marie-Lise Naud

Production Auris, les productions, Project laureat of  Mondes Nouveaux – DGCA – Ministry of Culture and the Fondation SACD – Beaumarchais
Coproduction Espace Malraux – Scene Nationale Chambery, Ici l’Onde
Support and hosting in residency GMEM – CNCM of Marseille, Ici l’Onde, Espace Malraux – Scene Nationale de Chambery, Scene Nationale d’Orleans, Opéra Underground, Pianos Baruth

Illustration © Lorenzo Mattotti

about Souffle, biennial of sonic experiences

Souffle is a festival organised every two years: after the first edition in June 2022, we now have Ici l’Onde – yes, this play on "Ici Londres" is the new name for Why Note – dedicated to  musical creation in all its forms.

French for "breath", Souffle refers to a vibrational wave: the air that turns to language and music when it reaches our ears ... what magic! Acoustic or electronic and digital music, contemporary creations or hybrid forms test the limits of composition, improvisation, performance and visual arts. Souffle is a breath of fresh air in the flow of our usual soundscapes. It proposes shared listening experiences, music that plays with the perceptions, sensations and emotions of the audience. Souffle is word that will be conjugated from 7 to 11 February 2024 in collaboration with Dijon’s cultural partners that share an affinity for creation: the Dijon Opera, La Vapeur, Dancing CDCN, Consortium Museum, in surprising venues that promise unique sonic encounters.


Ici l’Onde benefits from the support of the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the City of Dijon, the Regional Council of Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, the Departmental Council of the Côte d’Or, Sacem, the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine and the Office National de Diffusion Artistique.

Souffle is organised in partnership with the Dijon Opera, Vapeur-Smac, Consortium Museum, Dancing CDCN and the City of Dijon.

Salle Triangle, Boulevard de Verdun
1h sans entracte

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