

Mourad Merzouki

Mourad Merzouki’s Folia poses a unique and challenging mixture of baroque music, Italian tarantella, hip-hop and choreographic gesture. It offers a timeless celebration of rare poetry and sharing.

In organising this encounter between the baroque music of the Concert de l’Hostel Dieu, electronic music and hip-hop, while adding a touch of Spain and Italy along with a whirling dervish, Mourad Merzouki is more than just a stage director of a choreographic work. He seeks to spark a melding of arts, cultures and eras, capable of firing the imagination. He dreams of a universal form of beauty in which the body moves to the rhythms of world dance. Folia is a treasure trove of music savante, an open window onto the universe, a festival of popular games and play. Folia celebrates the mad reason at the heart of all creative acts, and invites us to share in their lyricism, fury and seduction.


Artistic director and choreography Mourad Merzouki
Musical concept Franck-Emmanuel Comte – Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu & Grégoire Durrande
Scenography Benjamin Lebreton
Lighting Yoann Tivoli
Costumes for musicians Pascale Robin
Costumes for dancers Nadine Chabannier

Piece for 12 dancers, 6 musicians and 1 soprano


Production Compagnie Käfig/ Direction Mourad Merzouki

Photo © Julie Cherki

1h sans entracte
Artists biographies

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