
S 62°58’, W 60°39’

(South 62 degrees 58 minutes, West 60 degrees 39 minutes)

The new creation from the Belgian company Peeping Tom catapults the spectator into an immersive experience foreshadowing future apocalypses, all the while humorously playing with the codes of performance.

Like a ship locked in Arctic ice, our world sometimes seems adrift and powerless in the face of current crises: the pandemic, war, soaring inflation, climate change ...  Peeping Tom bears witness to it all in a work titled S 62°58’,W 60°39’, that navigates between hyper-realistic, cinematographic stage sets and the theatricality of dancers/actors who perform a "fake" crisis. But who is manipulating what here? Behind the virtuosity of peering into a staged abyss, Peeping Tom dives into the heart of questions more pertinent than ever in this day and age haunted by fake news, scepticism and disinformation, where the concept of truth itself is the first casualty.

Warning : the show includes scenes in which the content and interpretation may cause discomfort and offend the sensibilities of the audience.


Concept and direction Franck Chartier
Creation and performance Marie Gyselbrecht, Chey Jurado, Lauren Langlois, Sam Louwyck, Romeu Runa, Dirk Boelens with the help of Eurudike De Beul 
Extras Nino Higuier and Patricia Esteban-Hinchado

Sound design and arrangements Raphaëlle Latini
Scenography Justine Bougerol*
Lighting Tom Visser 
Choreography Yi-Chun Liu*
Costumes Jessica Harkay*

*Peeping Tom

Production | Peeping Tom
Set construction | KVS-atelier, Peeping Tom 
Coproduction | KVS - Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg (Brussels), Biennale de la Danse (Lyon), Teatros del Canal (Madrid), Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), The Barbican (London), Tanz Köln (Cologne), Festival Aperto/Fondazione I Teatri (Reggio Emilia), Torinodanza Festival/Teatro Stabile di Torino - Teatro Nazionale (Turijn), Teatre Nacional de Catalunya 
(Barcelona), & Espoo theatre, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, CC De Factorij Zaventem.  
Distribution | Frans Brood Productions 
Acknowledgements | Lio Nasser, Leietheater (Deinze) 
S 62° 58’, W 60° 39’ is produced with the support of the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government.

Photo © Jesse Willems


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