
Lamenti e Sospiri

Leonardo García Alarcón, Mariana Flores & Julie Roset

Sigismondo d’India: a name, a man, a body of work to rediscover. Throughout this contemplative concert, Leonardo García Alarcón explores the human emotions and rehabilitates this composer of genius.

At the tail end of the Renaissance, Italy’s baroque period witnessed the development of new manners and mores: the objective was to replicate the human emotions as closely as possible through the most expressive music. While Claudio Monteverdi is the most famous composer from this transitional period, the recital given here pays tribute to his artistic twin: Sigismondo d’India. The latter participated fully in this shift in sensibilities, and in the exploration of sentiment through music, by publishing some of the most innovative monodies of his time. The voices of Mariana Flores and Julie Roset, accompanied by a group of highly talented instrumentalists, sublimate this exhilarating and purifying voyage toward the most profound internal depths.


Cappella Mediterranea is supported by the Ministère de la Culture - DRAC Auvergne Rhône Alpes, the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the City of Geneva, a Swiss family foundation, a Geneva private foundation, and by its Circle of Friends and its Circle of Entrepreneurs.
Aline Foriel-Destezet is the principal patron of Cappella Mediterranea.
The ensemble is a member of the Fevis (Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés) and the CNM (Centre National de la Musique).


Musical director, organ and spinet Leonardo García Alarcón
Sopranos Mariana Flores & Julie Roset
Cappella Mediterranea

Harp Marie Bournisien
Archlute, guitar Mónica Pustilnik
Theorbo, guitar, percussion Quito Gato
Viola da gamba Margaux Blanchard


Jacques Arcadelt (1507-1568)
Vostra fui e sarò

Sigismondo d’India (1582-1629)
Ardo, lassa, o non Ardo ?
“ Mercè ! ” grido piangendo

Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676)
Dimmi, Amor, che farò ? - Extrait de L’Oristeo

Sigismondo d’India
Un di soletto
Piangono al pianger mio

Odi quel Rosignolo

Dario Castello (1602-1631)
Sonate (instrumental)

Sigismondo d’India
Voi che ascoltate in rime sparse
Io viddi in terra angelici costumi
Là tra ‘l sangue e le morti
Pallidetta qual viola Mentre che ‘l cor
Su su prendi la cetra o Pastore

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