
Duel Reality

Les 7 doigts de la main

Love enters the arena, thanks to one of the most iconic companies of contemporary circus! In revisiting the tale of Romeo and Juliet, Les 7 Doigts de la main offers a version in the form of a sports match, reminding us that the conflict experienced by the two young lovers from Verona is also a lesson in the relationship with the other.

"Two households, both alike in dignity, …from ancient grudge break to new mutiny": Les 7 Doigts de la main invite Romeo and Juliet to a sports arena, a transformation in which two teams, one red and the other blue, compete in a battle of prowess, theatre, street fights and dance ... Going from circus to theatre (and back again), exploring all forms of competition, these insatiable players are less motivated by the desire to win than by the need to co-exist. Less rivals than two sides of the same coin, Duel Reality brings forth the couple in a faceoff, giving a new reading to this mythic tale


Produced by Les 7 doigts de la main
Initially produced and created with Virgin Voyages
Artistic director Shana Carroll 

With Nicolas Jelmoni, Soen Geirnaert, Danny Vrijsen, Einar Kling-Odencrants, Anni Küpper, Andreas De Ryck, Aerial Emery or Méliejade Tremblay-Bouchard, Andrew Price, Kalani June, Arata Urawa

Musical director and composer Colin Gagné 
Lighting design Alexander Nichols
Costume design Camille Thibault-Bédard

Production manager Maude St-Pierre
Technical director Simon Carrière
Technical coordinator Audrey Belzile
Assistant artistic director Anna Kichtchenko
Acrobatic coach Francisco Cruz


Production Les 7 Doigts de la main
Initially produced by and premiered with Virgin Voyages

Photo © Ekopics

1h10 sans entracte
Artists biographies

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