musical theatre

The Haunted Palace of Edgar Allan Poe

The Tiger Lillies

Adapted from the universe of Edgar Allan Poe, The Haunted Palace by the London-based trio Tiger Lillies is a free-ranging walk through the memories and obsessions of the author of Extraordinary Tales. A show alternating poetry, the macabre, sarcasm and joyous chills and thrills.

What if the dreams that populate the mind of a writer were suddenly to come to life in the form of a castle full of secret rooms? Or a box with multiple collapsible bottoms, at turns a cabaret, a magic disappearing cabinet, an anatomical theatre? By freely adapting the universe of Edgar Allan Poe, the Tiger Lillies guide us on a musical and poetic tour through the tormented labyrinthine soul of the American author. Each piece of the Haunted Palace is an invitation into a particular mental passageway of Poe, evoking the inescapable facets of his work, between romanticism, sarcasm, fantasy and dark humour. 



The Tiger Lillies

Music, vocals, accordion, piano Martyn Jacques
Double bass, musical saw, theremin, chorus Adrian Stout
Drums, percussion, chorus Budi Butenop

Staging Paul Golub
Musical concept Martyn Jacques
Visual design Mark Holthusen

Text Peder Bjurman
Casting Martin Bassindale & Laure Descamps
Costumes Sylvie Martin-Hyszka
Makeup Jérôme Ventura
Lighting design and video technician David Bernard
Technicians François Chambard, Peter Chase, Xavier Fananas, Robbie Thomson
Sound engineer Johnny Nolan

Project shared with Association Bourguignonne Culturelle (A.B.C.)
Production Théâtre du Volcan Bleu (France)

Photo © Mark Holthusen

granD théâtre
granD théâtre
1h25 sans entracte
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