The Dijon Opera develops many projects to raise awareness about classical music in partnership with associations, homes and residences for people in situations of social fragility. These projects are tailored around a show from the programming. Meetings with artists, access to rehearsals and tours, and participative projects (musical or plastic arts workshops) are organized.
Associations and structures seeking to construct a project can submit a request to the Opera’s cultural development team.
A special ticket price of 5.50€ is offered to associations and other structures seeking to construct a project.
During the 19 | 20 season, the Dijon Opera entered privileged partnerships with :
Le CHU Dijon François Mitterrand, le CGFL, la Maison d’arrêt de Dijon, le CCAS de Dijon, La Chartreuse, l’Acodège, l’IREPS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, l’EHPAD Bellefontaine, le CCAS de Quetigny, la CIMADE, le CESAM, la maison Maladière…
The Dijon Opera has also entered agreements with the Centre-Est Dijon Interregional department of corrections and with the University Hospital Centre of Dijon.
Cultural action department
03 80 48 82 76 | 03 80 48 82 74